IPB University Winner THE Awards Asia 2024 Category: Student Recruitment Campaign of the Year


IPB University Winner THE Awards Asia 2024 Category: Student Recruitment Campaign of the Year

IPB University once again demonstrated brilliant achievement by winning prestigious awards at THE Awards Asia 2024. This time, IPB University won the prestigious title in the category “Best Student Recruitment Campaign.” This award recognizes the university’s commitment and innovation in attracting the best students from within and outside the country. The tight competition in higher education makes this award even more valuable for IPB University. In its recruitment campaign, IPB University managed to highlight the various benefits and excellent support options for students, both academic and non-academic.

Professor Arif Satria, IPB University’s rector, expressed his pride in this achievement. “We are very grateful and proud of this award. This is the result of the hard work and collaboration of the entire academic community at IPB University. We are committed to providing the best educational experience to our working students and will continue to innovate to expand our recruitment network at the national and international levels,” said Prof. Arif Satria.

IPB University’s student recruitment campaign not only targets local prospective students but also expands its reach to the international level. Through various creative marketing strategies and cooperation with overseas educational institutions, we are able to increase the attractiveness of IPB University as a popular education center. In addition, quality programs such as scholarships, student exchanges, and research collaborations with international organizations also attract students interested in IPB University.

This award not only confirms IPB University’s position as one of the leading universities in Indonesia but also strengthens its reputation at the international level. We hope that this success can inspire other universities to continue to innovate in developing effective recruitment strategies to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia.