Participation of Ipb University Researchers in The Regional Network For Asian Schistosomiasis (RNAS+) Through Mobillity Program

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Participation of Ipb University Researchers in The Regional Network For Asian Schistosomiasis (RNAS+) Through Mobillity Program

The Regional Network for Asian Schistosomiasis (RNAS) is a collaboration of scientists from China and the Philippines, later expanded to Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan and Laos. The organization initially focused on developing cooperative research and control of schistosomiasis japonica. Today the organization has grown to include 11 countries with Thailand, South Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam and Malaysia joining. The problem areas studied and reported on are neglected tropical diseases such as cysticercosis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis and fascioliasis. RNAS+, currently has the strengths of: (i) strong collaboration in regional research with support from experts in research and control; (ii) presence of experts in various fields that can enhance and advance research and control; (iii) RNAS+ has successfully translated research results into field applications; (iv) set up a platform that can advance information sharing mechanisms through its website, database, publications and meetings; (v) RNAS+ has implemented joint collaborative projects in operational research through multi-country, multi-disease using a multi-disciplinary approach and involving various academic and research institutions in the region. RNAS+ experts are also associated with control programs in member countries that are endemic to the region.

Every year RNAS+ conducts an annual meeting which is held in rotation among its member countries. Indonesia was one of them in Bogor (IPB University) in 2014. This meeting serves as a venue for: (i) the delivery of information on the condition of neglected diseases in each country, (ii) scientific presentations of research results on neglected diseases such as schistosomiasis, cysticercosis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis and fascioliasis, (iii) discussion of research collaborations that can be carried out between members in the future. As one of the members of the organization, IPB University researchers took an active role in the annual meeting of the organization. At the annual meeting, the results of control programs and research related to schistosomiasis, cysticercosis, clonorkiasis, opisthorchiasis and fascioliasis carried out in member countries were presented.

In the 23rd Annual Workshop RNAS+ in Siem Reap Cambodia in 2023 IPB University researchers delivered a paper entitled “SEROPREVALENCE OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS JAPONICA IN DOMESTIC MAMMALS OF LORE WEST DISTRICT, POSO REGENCY, CENTRAL SULAWESI PROVINCE, INDONESIA”. The RNAS+ activity took place on November 13-15, 2023. This meeting also discussed collaborative research cooperation for schistosomiasis control in animals and humans in Schictosoma japonicum endemic areas which is a collaboration between three countries namely China, the Philippines and Indonesia in a project entitled “Construction and demonstration of water conservancy combined with schistosomiasis control system in ASEAN countries”.

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