Pre-Departure Briefing International Agro-Maritime Camp 2024 – Exploring the Potential of Agro-Maritime in Gianyar with IPB University

Pre-Departure Briefing International Agro-Maritime Camp 2024 - Exploring the Potential of Agro-Maritime in Gianyar with IPB University

Pre-Departure Briefing International Agro-Maritime Camp 2024 – Exploring the Potential of Agro-Maritime in Gianyar with IPB University

The Directorate of International Education of IPB University has successfully organized the Pre-Departure Briefing for the International Agro-Maritime Camp (IAC) on August 16, 2024. The event was designed to prepare participants who would be traveling to Gianyar Regency, Bali, for the International Agro-Maritime Camp 2024. The briefing was attended by international participants and a number of prominent resource persons, who provided in-depth insights into the potential of the agro-maritime sector in Indonesia, particularly in Gianyar Regency.

Anak Agung Eka Dharma K., S.H. from the Gianyar Regency Manpower Office opened the event with a presentation on the structure of government, regional policies, and the economic and social potential of Gianyar Regency. Next, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, M.Si., Vice Regent of Gianyar Regency for the period 2018-2023, gave a presentation introducing local culture and the role of culture in the development of the agro-maritime sector in the region. Dr. Ir. M. Fedi A. Sondita, M.Sc., from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science of IPB, provided participants with insights into the fisheries potential of Gianyar Regency, covering the wealth of marine resources, business opportunities, and challenges in managing the sector.

The Directorate of International Education of IPB, through a presentation by the team, introduced the International Agro-Maritime Camp program as a whole and explained the strategic objectives of this activity in strengthening international collaboration in the field of agro-maritime. An interactive question and answer session showed the participants’ enthusiasm for the program and the potential offered by Gianyar Regency.

The one-day event was closed with a technical discussion session regarding departure plans and activity programs while in Gianyar Regency, as well as a group photo session as a sign of togetherness and the spirit of collaboration. The whole event went smoothly and as expected, reflecting the readiness and enthusiasm of the participants to be actively involved in the International Agro-Maritime Camp 2024. Full support from the local government of Gianyar Regency, academics, and fisheries sector practitioners as well as the IPB University committee team played a major role in the success of this event.