LinkedIn Learning Undergraduate Seminar, IPB Dramaga Campus: Career Optimization in the Digital Era

LinkedIn Learning Undergraduate Seminar, IPB Dramaga Campus: Career Optimization in the Digital Era
Bogor, 31 October 2024 – Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), through the Directorate of International Education (IPB), organized a LinkedIn Learning Seminar at IPB Dramaga Campus entitled “Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn & Achieve Your Career Goals with LinkedIn Learning.” This seminar took offline/hybrid in the International Student Center Building of IPB. This event was held through collaboration between several IPB undergraduate student organizations, such as Student Executive Council of Faperta (BEM Faperta), Student Executive Council of Fahutan (BEM Fahutan), Student Executive Council of FEM (BEM FEM), Student Executive Council of SB (BEM SB), Student Professional Association of Agronomi (Himagron), Student Professional Association of Statistic (Himpro Gamma), and Resources and Environmental Economics Student Association (Himpro Reesa).
This seminar will help IPB students utilize LinkedIn to build strong personal branding while achieving their career goals. In an ever-evolving digital world, personal branding through LinkedIn is key to demonstrating relevant skills, interests, and professional networks to potential employers or collaborators. The participants were 120 active students from semesters 1 to 7. Participants were invited to understand various strategies to build an attractive and professional LinkedIn profile and how to maximize LinkedIn learning to get professional certificates that can support their careers. Through the material presented by Ms. Juliane, Account Director of LinkedIn Learning Singapore, they also learned how to use LinkedIn Learning as a skills development platform to increase competitiveness in the job market.
This seminar was equipped with interesting discussion topics, including how to create a strong personal brand on Linkedin, how to optimize a Linkedin profile for professional appeal, how to activate and utilize Linkedin Learning, strategies for using Linkedin Learning to improve skills, the importance of professional certificates from Linkedin Learning, and effective networking strategies through Linkedin. This seminar became a golden opportunity for IPB students to understand the importance of building a professional image in the digital world and utilizing learning technology optimally. This event also emphasized IPB’s commitment to producing graduates ready to compete in the global era.
One of the seminar participants, Nafal-FEM 59, said, “Through this LinkedIn Learning semi,nar I obtained a lot of information that I had never received before, especially related to the use of LinkedIn Learning which can produce professional certificates to support my career preparation or internship in the future.”