International Student Mobility Workshop 2025 at IPB University

International Student Mobility Workshop 2025 at IPB University
Bogor, 9 December 2024 – The Directorate of International Education of IPB University successfully organized the 2025 International Student Mobility Workshop at LKST IPB Campus Taman Kencana. This activity aims to strengthen the implementation of international student exchange programs and support the vision of IPB University towards global standard education.
The event began at 08.00 WIB with the registration of participants and continued with singing the Indonesia Raya song. The Director of International Education, Puji Mudiana, S.P., M.A., gave a speech and officially opened this event. In the first session, two prominent speakers discussed themes related to implementing International Student Mobility. The Director of International Education, Puji Mudiana, S.P., M.A., explained the achievements of the program in 2023-2024, while the Director of Education Administration and New Student Admissions, Dr. Utami Dyah Syafitri, S.Si., M.Si., explained the administrative aspects that support the smooth running of this program. The session also ended with an interactive discussion between the speakers and participants.
The next session was the launch of the 2025 Summer Course Assistance Grant by the Assistant Director of International Education, Alfiasari, S.P., M.Si. In this session, Travel Grants and Living Costs were also socialized to support the sustainability of the International Student Mobility program. The event continued with Panel Session 2. Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. drh. Deni Noviana, Ph.D., DACVIM, opened this session with an explanation of the direction of IPB’s global education policy in 2025. Furthermore, the Director of Educational Transformation and Learning Technology, Dr. Eng. Wahyu Ramadhan, S.Pi., M.Si., explained the transformation of education towards global standards. Discussion on the management of MoUs, MoAs, and Letters of Intent to support this program was also presented by the Director of Global Connectivity, Dr. Eva Anggraini, S.Pi., M.Si., who attended in a hybrid manner. The workshop ended with a special discussion session led by the Assistant Director of International Education Planning and Development. This discussion aimed to formulate strategic steps and follow-up plans for implementing International Student Mobility in the future.
The event was attended by various academic officials within IPB University, including Vice Deans for Academic and student Affairs, Alumni from multiple faculties, and Heads of Departments in different scientific fields. The presence of these stakeholders shows IPB University’s strong commitment to promoting international student mobility and producing globally competitive graduates.