Exploring Potential Collaboration, Auburn University Visited IPB University


Exploring Potential Collaboration, Auburn University Visited IPB University

Bogor, June 16st  2024. IPB University welcomed a delegation from Auburn University, USA. The delegation, led by Dr. Vini Nathan, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, consisted of 12 faculty members with diverse expertise. The delegation visited IPB Dramaga Campus, and welcomed by IPB’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Rector, Vice Rectors, Head of International Research Institutes and Study Centers, and representatives from various faculties and schools at IPB, such as the Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Human Ecology, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Several Auburn University alumni also attended the meeting.

The meeting was opened by the Rector of IPB University, Prof. Arif Satria. “We hope that IPB University can collaborate with Auburn University, especially in addressing the challenges of Industry 4.0 in agriculture,” said Prof. Arif Satria. This was followed by an introducory speech from Dr. Vini Nathan, who outlined Auburn University’s three main missions: education, outreach, and research. Dr. Andrew Gillespie, Assistant Provost for International Programs, provided a more detailed introduction to Auburn University’s programs and profile.

The discussion was moderated by Dr. Eva Anggraini, Director of Global Connectivity, who highlighted the collaboration opportunities between IPB University and Auburn University. “Many faculties or departments at both institutions share similarities and have the potential for collaboration, including Agriculture, Forestry, Business, Science and Math, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Aquaculture, and Health,” summarized by Dr. Eva. She also mentioned opportunities to partner in the development of leadership, student exchange programs, community service, and research.

Before the meeting concluded, Prof. Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at IPB and an Auburn University alumnus, expressed his hope that the collaboration between the two institutions would continue to develop and yield tangible impact to the community. The event proceeded with a networking lunch between the IPB and Auburn delegations to initiate various collaboration plans across different fields of study and concluded with a visit to the IPB University’s Agribusiness and Technology Park.