Interdisciplinary Research

Interdisciplinary Research

IPB has been promoting transdisciplinary research since the last few years marked with the establishment of the Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Science in 2018. Transdisciplinary goes beyond interdisciplinary, and both require collaboration across disciplines. 

Internally, IPB has determined interdisciplinary research as a key performance, and delivered particular tasks to the Directorate of Research and Innovation to facilitate collaborative research across disciplines, to the Directorate of Strategic Studies and Academic Reputation to increase the number of interdisciplinary publications, as well as to the Directorate of Global Connectivity to increase the number of international research consortia. 

Several measures of interdisciplinary research success determined by IPB University, including: 

(1) number of publications of interdisciplinary research, particularly that involve international partners, and their relevance to SDGs. IPB regularly monitors the number of publications through external and internal platforms, namely: SINTA, a national platform provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education, Scopus  and more detail information is gained from Scival , SIPPM – an internal platform that provide information about performance of faculty members in research and community empowerment, and SIPAKARIL – an internal platform that provides data about publication performance of individual faculty members

(2) number of citations that represent publication impacts.  

IPB University tracks the number of citations resulting from interdisciplinary research collaborations from SCOPUS, SCIVAL, and SINTA and is analyzed by the Directorate of Strategy and Academic Reputation Studies. We also assess the sustainability of research collaborations and its distribution based on the regions or countries indicated by the International Research Network (IRN) Index as shown at our national platform

(3) number of new international research consortia

(4) number of competitive grants received by the faculty members to conduct interdisciplinary research. The type of grants includes the one provided by the Indonesian Ministry, G to G matching fund scheme, and other international funds; 

(5) number of innovations and patents resulted from the interdisciplinary research collaboration; and 

(6) number of policy recommendations (policy briefs) produced by research teams including those related to interdisciplinary science research. 

At IPB University, measures of interdisciplinary research success encompass several key areas :

1. Publication Impact and Sustainable Research Collaboration
2. The Number Grants for Research Collaboration 

IPB provides and manages a few research schemes that encourage interdisciplinary work among researchers including: National and International Research Collaboration Scheme, and Institutional Collaborative Research. These schemes prioritize interdisciplinary research that do not only involve IPB researchers, but also researchers from other institutions. This program is managed by the Directorate of Research and Innovation. The performance of this program is measured annually based on the number of research grants as well as the number of publications and citations resulting from those research.

The Directorate of Research and Innovation provide grants for Young Researchers at IPB. In the application and selection process for the Young Lecturers Grant at IPB University, one of the requirements is that the research team must be be from interdisiplinary backgrounds. As seen here

The recipients of Young Lecturers Research Grants 2023 and their research titles can be accessed here

3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Interdisciplinary Research

Research activities at IPB are managed through SIPPM, a digital platform that streamlines proposal submission, evaluation, and reporting.

The evaluation includes tracking collaborations across departments, institutions, and sectors.

  1. University-funded research: Research reports must be submitted to IPB University. This included the following research schemes: Young lecturer research grant, and Indonesia Research Collaboration. For more information, please click here. 
  2. External funded research: Monitoring and evaluation is held by certified reviewers who are experts in their field. 
4. Innovation and Technology Transfer

The Science and Technology Park and the Directorate of Research and Innovation IPB University analyzes which interdisciplinary research leads to innovation, technology transfer, and commercialization opportunities. This could include patents and licenses.

5. Societal Impact

Assessing the wider societal impact of interdisciplinary research involves evaluating its contributions beyond academia, particularly in shaping public policy and informing decision-making processes. IPB University gathers data on policy briefs authored by its academic faculty, including those related to interdisciplinary science research. Some of the works have been published at Publikasi Policy Brief. For more information, please click here.

In 2023, IPB University organized the Frontier in Sustainable Agromaritime and Environmental Development Conference (FISaed). This international conference showcases research related interdisciplinary research , including Science and Technology for Sustainable Agromaritime, Socio-Economic Transformation for Sustainable Agromaritime, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. For more information: here

Physical facilities to support interdisciplinary research at IPB University include laboratories, the main library, and incubator and innovation hubs.

Our facilities that support interdisciplinary research include: 

1. Laboratories

IPB University has various laboratories that support interdisciplinary research. 

These laboratories provide shared laboratory space, equipment/instruments, meeting rooms, and office space to support collaborative research projects.

2. Field Laboratories

IPB University has various field laboratories that support interdisciplinary research, including for large scale field experiments and living field laboratories:

3. Library 


IPB University has a main library that provides access to various scientific literature, databases, and research resources across multiple disciplines. For more information, please click here.

4. Science and Technopark (STP)

IPB University has incubator and innovation hubs where interdisciplinary research teams can incubate new ideas, develop prototypes, launch startup ventures, and promote their research product. For more information, please click here.

5. Aqua Feed Mill 

IPB has an aqua feed mill and its facilities are equipped with an extruder to produce floating feed and are designed for various types of aquaculture feed, especially for freshwater fish. For more information, please click here

6. Teaching Feed Industry

IPB has a teaching feed industry to support research activities, business development, and strategic programs in the field of food security.

7. Halal Business Incubator Building

IPB currently is building a halal business incubator building. This facility will function as a center for innovation and halal product business development.

8. IPB Laboratory Equipment Information System (SOLI Mobile)


IPB has a Laboratory Equipment Information System to help scientists in finding available laboratory facilities at IPB.

IPB University is highly committed to enhance interdisciplinary research, as stated in the Academic Senate Regulation No 36/IT3.SA/P/2020 and Academic Senate Regulation No 10/SA-IPB/P/2016.

IPB university provides administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams among science disciplines, through two schemes. First, the Institute of Research and Community Development (LPPM) IPB university was responsible for supporting administrative issues of interdisciplinary research, mainly for national collaborations led by faculties/departments and research centers. Due to the change in the organizational structure in early 2023, this institute has been transformed into Directorates of Research and Innovation under the coordination of the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation. LPPM or DRI plays the same role in supporting the administrative issues, including guidance on funding opportunities, helps researchers navigate administrative processes, and facilitates collaboration across departments and disciplines. 

Second, for international research collaboration under a consortia, the Directorate of International Program provides support for administrative and financial issues. This directorate has been transformed into the Directorate of Global Connectivity. From October  2023, IPB also established 5 International Research Institutes (IRI) in which one of its mandates is to coordinate international research collaborations involving several research centers, including:

  • International Research Institute for Maritime, Ocean and Fisheries
  • International Research Institute for Advanced Technology
  • International Research Institute for Environment and Climate Change
  • International Research Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health
  • International Research Institute for Social, Economics and Regional Studies

Administrative support for interdisciplinary research includes:

1. Project Management

IPB Universities provides project management support, including project managers, administrators, and analysts, for interdisciplinary research teams to help coordinate activities, set timelines, and monitor progress toward project goals. Special for research funded by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan/LPDP),  a staff of the Directorate of Research and Innovation (DRI) is assigned as an analyst.

The Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Science (CTSS) is one of IPB’s research centers mandated to facilitate interdisciplinary research. CTSS was created on January 2018 by IPB Rector’s Decree No 32/IT3/OT/2018. CTSS provides management support regarding transdisciplinary research activities related to sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, renewable energy, reduction of GHG emissions, management of waters and small islands, and traditional wisdom on sustainable natural resource management.

Furthermore, at IPB University there is an application called the Research and Community Service Information System (SIPPM)  to help researchers fill in information related to research and community service.

2. Grant Proposal Socialization and Assistance

a. Socialization on Research Grant

b. Pojok Konsultasi Online (POKKI)

POKKI is a grant proposal assistance provided by the Directorate of Research and Innovation (DRI) IPB Universities to interdisciplinary research teams in preparing and submitting grant proposals. This could include providing templates, guidelines, and resources for proposal development, as well as offering feedback and editing support to ensure proposals meet funding agency requirements.

3. Ethic Committees

IPB University has ethic committees that reviews research involving human subjects, animals, or other sensitive areas. Administrative support is provided to help interdisciplinary research teams navigate the ethics approval process and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Ethic committees at IPB University:

  •  Human Ethic Committee. For more information, please click here.
  •  Animal Ethics Committee. For more information, please click here.
4. Publication Services

For more information regarding publication services, please contact the Directorate of Strategy and Academic Reputation Studies.

Workshops to support publication in 2023:

5. Research Groups

Research group encourage interdisciplinary research involving researchers from various disciplines. One of research group in IPB that focuses on advanced technology called Blockchain, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence Network (BRAIN).

6. Research Permit and Other Administration Support

IPB University provides comprehensive administrative support for interdisciplinary research teams across various disciplines. International researchers intending to conduct studies at IPB University are required to obtain a research permit, and the university assists in preparing the necessary documentation.

For administrative procedures, researchers can access the following resources:

Additionally, IPB University provides the following support services:

  • Assistance with Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and import permits for research equipment
  • Facilitation of permits required by local authorities
  • A help desk for financial aspects related to research

IPB University has a tenure and career promotion system that recognizes interdisciplinary research within applicable disciplines. Research components are integral to the tenure and promotion processes for lecturers, with the institution providing research facilitation and administrative support  to enhance the the career of lecturer.

As a state university, the tenure and career promotion system for lecturers at IPB are based on the regulation by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Indonesia. Lecturer career levels include prospective lecturer (calon dosen), assistant professor (asisten ahli), senior lecturer (lektor), associate professor (lektor kepala), and full professor. The functional position of lecturer at IPB University is an academic career level given based on their competence, performance, and contribution in the fields of education, research, and community service. This position not only reflects the level of professionalism of the lecturers, but also becomes a benchmark in improving the quality of higher education at IPB.

To promote lecturer in achieving their careers in interdisciplinary research, IPB University has a promotion system specifically dedicated to recognizing interdisciplinary research among science disciplines. First, encouraging the establishment of research consortiums nationally and internationally.  Innovations resulting from interdisciplinary research are highlighted on the university’s website, in the innovation Gallery, and also in various exhibitions held or participated by IPB University. IPB University also incentivizes interdisciplinary research by offering grant support for publication and citation, particularly for academic staff publishing in journals that span multiple disciplines. Furthermore, interdisciplinary research achievements are acknowledged through awards such as the IPB Award. Other than that, IPB also encourages the establishment of research groups involving researchers from various disciplines. One of them is Blockchain, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence Network (BRAIN). IPB provides affirmative research grants for research groups.

1. Research Consortium

IPB University promotes collaborative research nationally and internationally through research consortiums.

  1. National :

          The guideline for Indonesian Collaborative Research Program can be accessed here. 

      2. International :

           International Research Consortiums. For more information, please click here.

Ongoing interdisciplinary research conducted by IPB University with international research consortiums:

2. Journals

Various journals managed by IPB University supports interdisciplinary research. For more information please click here.

3. Conferences and Seminars

IPB University commits to promote interdisciplinary research with the aim of fostering collaboration and innovation in various scientific fields by organizing national and international conferences and seminars. By bringing together researchers from different disciplines, participants and organizers have the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and explore potential interdisciplinary research projects. Conferences and seminars serve as platforms for researchers to showcase their latest findings and innovations. This could involve presentations, poster sessions, or panel discussions. Publication of proceedings or papers allows researchers to disseminate their work to a wider audience and contributes to the knowledge in interdisciplinary science.

Conferences and international seminars held by IPB University:

4. IPB Innovation and Exhibition

Innovations as product of interdisciplinary research are promoted in the website of IPB University. For more information, please click here. IPB innovations are also promoted in various exhibitions.

IPB innovations are also exhibited in various exhibitions.

5. Incentive

IPB University offers grant support for publication and give incentive for citation to academic staff that publish their research in journals that span multiple disciplines as evidence of interdisciplinary research productivity.

In accepting young lecturer research, there are requirements or schemes that must be met. The following is information about the scheme and requirements for young lecturer research

6. Recognition and Awards

Interdisciplinary research achievements are recognized through IPB award.

Categories in IPB Award 2023 related to research and innovation are :

  1. Unit with the Best Research Productivity (national competitive and decentralization research)
  2. Units with the Highest Research Funding
  3. Lecturers with the best publication performance
  4. Unit with Best Publication Performance
  5. Best Inventor
  6. Best Innovator
  7. Unit with the Most Innovation
  8. Best Innovation Partner 

IPB Award 2023 

7. Research Groups

Research group encourage interdisciplinary research involving researchers from various disciplines. One of research group in IPB that focuses on advanced technology called Blockchain, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence Network (BRAIN).